Do yourself a favor and let the hair GROW OUT
If you don’t allow the hair to grow out (at least 4-6 weeks between waxes) this is what can potentially happen…
~We will turn you away and tell you to come back when the hair is long enough and the appropriate amount of time has passed since your last wax…(or shave). A good 1/4″ of growth is what we recommend.
~You will see hairs sooner and possibly still have hairs remaining after your wax, due to the fact that the hairs are too short to be picked up by the wax.
~Another common problem is, small hairs can break causing them to retract under the skin, thus causing an ingrown. Which can be painful and irritating.
~Your wax will not feel or look smooth
So, do yourself a favor and wait it out!
It will be well worth the wait!!
After Waxing, You Must Wait 24 Hrs before You…
~Take a HOT shower (warm is ok)
~Exercise (causing friction and irritation in that area is not good)
~Have Sex (If in a spot that may become irritated)
~Use any creams or lotions with fragrance (Witch Hazel is recommended).